I have heard too many times that a Muslim has committed a very grave sin, and talks about it and when being called out by someone, in order to correct the person, and the person who sinned replies with “Only God can judge me”.
Now from a Christian perspective (Tupac Shakur was a Christian after all, not a Muslim) this might make sense, since the Christians sins already have been forgiven when Isa a.s was killed on the cross, and they twist bible passages around, well this is a whole other topic so I will not continue with that. But yes, for Christians it might make sense because they only answer to God, I mean Jesus, no God… or was it the Holy Spirit? Anyways, they answer to one of their gods and that is it, they do not follow the laws of the Old Testament.
Now what is the problem with a Muslim saying that?
Well that we have a thing called Sharia, this is a divine law that Allah has given us to follow, and when Sharia is implemented, there are Sharia courts and if you commit a sin that has a punishment according to the Sharia, you will be taken to court, your case will be investigated and if found guilty, in that case the Sharia court has JUDGED YOU and will punish you. Now you have been judged by human beings according to the law of Allah, revealed to us in the Qur’an and through Prophet Muhammad sallallahu aleyhi wa sallam.
O Muslim youth, stop treating some rap “artist” as a Shiekh, even though something might sound pleasing to the ear this is nothing but another trick by the Sheytan to drag you away from Siratal Mustaqeem (The straight path, Islam).
Come back to Islam, stop making stupid excuses for your actions, think about what if God doesn’t forgive your sins, what if you didn’t repent enough, what if those 100 times you committed zina, or those 10.000 prayers you forgot to pray are not forgiven, what if you have to spend years upon years in Jahannam(Hell).
Read the Qur’an and remind yourself that death is always near, repent and start practicing, stop using the “Only God can judge me”, because I don’t know about you, but I would rather take my punishment in this life, than to leave it to the Day of Judgment when the punishment might be far more severe than anything that could happened to you in this life!
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