Saturday, April 10, 2010

Thoughts About Creator!

A galaxy many light years from earth

A galaxy, a beautiful creation of Allah light years from earth

Who has created me? Some force, yes. Although we are doing different things but how were we enabled to do these. How does it happen that a sperm and egg make human that lives more than 50 years and is more than 5′ tall? The only contribution that we do is that of helping the process by creating the conditions that are suitable for that process to happen.

A gardener turns seeds into trees by planting seeds, giving these plant food, water and natural sunlight. But he does not create a seed. He also does not know why a seed becomes a rose plant and why not apple plant. Modern science helps us to know some of these things by evaluation, research and continuous development, but can it turn a dead man into a living one or create a spirit?

We create machines, metals, items, buildings and many other items of daily use. Where did the material for these comes from? Was plastic bottle possible if there were no hydrocarbons? Was the fast development of world possible if there was no oil? What if there was no oxygen or water? How can we create any animal such as a cat? No.

For all these things, what contribution do we have in their making. None! We are just users of these natural resources as we found these after birth.

Astronomy brings us the information about a star 40 light years away. It means that if we travel at speed of light then we shall take 40 man years to reach that star. It shows us the size of the universe. How much big is it? Where are the boundaries? We don’t know, yes, really.

We realize that whenever we do any thing, we need to manage. Whether it is a hotel, a company, Wal Mart or military, there is a heirarchy of people to do management at different levels in the organisation.What is the organisation which is without management. Even in that case, there are processes built-in to the system that do the regulation.
So, how is the world around us is running? What makes earth revolve around sun? Why earth does not fall on sun? Why sun is the star for us and not any other? Why a pigeon has very sweet habits, never bites and a Mayna gets angry very quickly? I want to imagine that the earth is running without a system but can’t do that. There must be some force that is doing it. If that force is the driving energy, then what is the impact on us? We get sunshine, water, vegetables, fruits and so much of other things in life including our families.

So, in this way, that force is making us possible to live, enjoy and share life with others. It has its great contribution that makes it possible for us first to be born, grow, live and then die. Even death is a blessing, for if people remained alive for 1000 years, how much boring would be the earth and the earth would have been full of people, having deaths by starving as there would not be food for so many. Another way of thinking is that death enables us to meet our creator, the force that created us and see by ourselves what were we not able to see in the physical world.

This force created two components of us: spirit, the driving force and the body, the biological machine that follows the spirit’s instructions. People having near death experiences have explained that after death they could hear and see everything but could not participate in any actions because their physical being was non-existent.

After death, spirit remains and the physical body gets converted into earth, where it originally came from. Spirit lives forever and gets its rewards and punishments depending on deeds it has done in the physical life. Afterlife, it gets rewards such as living in an environment that we would like to live forever and punishment we would want to escape without a second passed. Talking about punishments, how about a punishment where you are given a body, then put the body into fire, get the body 100 degree burnt and molten flesh converted into ashes, then replacing ashes with another fresh body to burn, melt and convert into ashes again and the process repeats itself for a period that is only determined by that force that created us. Can you imagine the pain? Very difficult, isn’t it? Due to pain, the brain will be overloaded by the pain signals and shall go into unconsciousness, but may be that force will not allow that to happen. In that case, it will be even more painful.

But if you have done good deeds, He has rewards for you. You can believe that He, the only one you can truly trust, will keep giving you all it has forever and wherever you are. And, whenever someone gives you so much, why not let Him know that we believe in what he stands for and perform what he wants from us. Is it difficult, may be, but compared to what he has given us, it is nothing.

Thank you my force, my creator, for all you have given me till now and for whatever you will give later!

I don’t want to say that “May God please make me…”, it tells me that for every of my actions, I put the responsibility on God. Let me be responsible for my actions as far as He has enabled me to do these. My force, my creator, My God, I believe in you and what you have done for me till now and I shall make sure that I shall keep your principles high even when there will be mounting difficulties, your trust on me intact and my following of you as you want. With it My God, My Allah, I also request that although you have given me everything that I could not think of, I still need you give to me more of your blessings and forgive my shortcomings and any mistakes till I am alive in the physical world.

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